
Welcome to Your Journey of Supervision!

Regardless of what your clinical supervision goals are, I am happy to explore a journey with you based on the career path are you are hoping to create.

Clinical Supervision

I offer individual and group supervision that covers clinical skills, didactic learning, practice management, and professional development.

If you are striving for AASECT (American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists) certification as a counselor, therapist, or supervisor, I am happy help you work toward that goal.  Supervision is available in short and ongoing models. Reach out to learn more!

Coaching and Consultation

I offer coaching and consultation for those that are looking to grow an individual or group practice/organization.

Business coaching can cover everything from creating a business plan that will manifest the business of your dreams to strategies for managing and developing a business that is right for you – and your clients!


If you would like to learn more about supervision or coaching, please feel free to send me a detailed message.

“Dr. Kronenfeld has been an incredible supervisor over the past three years.
Each time we met, I learned so many valuable clinical skills and interventions from him. When I felt stuck with a client or had ethical concerns, he was able to help me process my own feelings and then we worked together to determine the best method to help the client in therapy. He helped me become the clinician I am today and for that I am so grateful!”

Megan Neitling, LMHC, CST