by Guest Author

By Amy Gardner & the Metrowest Nutrition Team

Food is more than physical nourishment.  It’s love.  It’s a cultural, sensorial and emotional experience.  It ties us to our family, our heritage, holds memories and provides opportunity for connection. It can be one of life’s greatest pleasures.  It can also be a source of pain.  

What do you want your relationship with food to look like?  Not entirely sure?  This is where we come in.  Instead of offering a prescriptive plan, at Metrowest Nutrition we take time to explore your relationship with food with you at a pace set by you.  Many clients find this work serves as a tipping point for personal growth.

Our relationship with food often mirrors other areas of our life.  And, similar to other relationships, we have the power to change it, shape it and learn from it.  Food issues can serve as a red herring.  An individual may enter our office to work on their eating only to discover what they really need is to leave their job or work on their marriage.  Or, if it’s a child, maybe there’s something going on developmentally that needs attention. This is where our fabulous network of colleagues comes in.  We are so grateful for all the physicians, psychotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists and other professionals we collaborate with regularly, allowing us to provide highly individualized, comprehensive care to each of our clients.  

We also want to send a heartfelt thank you out to all of our clients for allowing us to share this journey with them.  Food can be an intimate area and we understand the strength and courage it takes to make real changes in eating behaviors.  Many thanks to each of you for allowing us to support you and for teaching us as much, if not more than we teach you. 

Read more at Metrowest Nutrition

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