Lessons from the labyrinth

Yesterday I put my own advice into action.  I invited a colleague to join me to walk the labyrinth.  Really, this is something I should be doing more of as it is an amazing path to mindfulness.  When I work folks, we often include some form of meditation, mindfulness or centering to help manage anxiety, fear, stress, discord and just general feeling blah.  There are many people who love meditation and find it to be an important part of their mental health. There are just as many who, try as they might, can seem to quiet their minds and bodies to be still.  I am one of the latter.  Quiet still meditation is hard for me – I can do it from time to time but it seems to take a great effort to get there.  I do it whenever I can.  However, when time is precious or being still just seems in possible, I try a moving meditation – like walking a labyrinth.


Sometimes we make mistakes and we ruminate: why did I do this, why didn’t I do this, what can I do next time, what I wish I did, and the criticism continues. Guess what, it didn’t get better and chances are you, at least I did, continued to make that same mistake.

Compassion and Comparison

How many times have I been in a support group and someone says,  “I’m not like them. Why should I be here?”  Or maybe, “You’ve never been through it, so how would you know what it’s like?”  I think that when people say this, they’re really asking the question: Will anyone get it? Will anyone take the time to hear, to see, to suffer with me?