Change is growth!

Recently I had been challenged to do something that I never thought I was ever going to do. The goal of this challenge was to help me be more assertive. The task was first proposed to me about 4 months ago and I balked at the idea. Then the time came and I got a little desperate and realized that I didn’t have too many viable choices. The person who challenged me was very nurturing yet firm. He set a specific task (very detailed), had a timeline and a reward attached to each successful step. I took the challenge because what else did I have to loose. I was already in a rut.

When the worry won’t stop

We have all had days when we are just not focused on the tasks at hand, when something else seems overwhelmingly “stuck” in our minds and prevents us from focusing on the present.  Have you ever experienced this? Some have described the feeling as akin to an enveloping fog. There may be obligations and deadlines whirring around, yet they seem distant and unable to penetrate the stupor that encircles you.