Having grown up in Northern California, and having spent the last couple of weeks on the West Coast, I’m finding the cold snap this week—with the dark, gray skies accompanied by the incessant bitter cold— to be particularly grim. I just asked myself this morning:  ”Why did I want to live here again?” I quickly thought about how I do love so many things about New England. I am as still enchanted by the culture, the history, and authenticity of the people as I was as a new student over 10 years ago. I loved autumn then (and still do), but my first winter was a rude awakening.

Braving the Storm of Seasonal Affective Disorder

We’ve rounded the corner– the shortest day of the year is behind us.  Slowly but surely, more and more light will now begin to roll in to our days and nights.

For some, this is predictable good news.  Longer hours of light and sunshine mean more hours to be outside and a boost in energy overall.  The course has changed to downhill, and perhaps your wheels are turning a bit more easily now.  The darkest, longest days are over and the hardest part may feel like it is behind you. 

Recent Graduates and Student Loans: The Trials of December

One could argue that December is the most festive month of the year. Religious holidays are observed, vacations are taken and students have a respite from their school and course work. December 21st is the longest night of the year and marks the beginning of longer daylight hours. It is a month that marks the end of one year and the beginning of the next – a time for resolutions and a promise of new experiences. Celebrations abound, it is easy to forget that December also marks the end of the grace period and the beginning of student loan payments for those (like myself) who graduated 6 months earlier.

Even good change is change

Sometimes, little things in life can throw us off. Especially when we are dealing with a lot of different things. Even when things are for the better, we still have to adjust our brain and body to a new routine. Our frustration tolerance goes down, we are snappier towards others, others are less compassionate towards us because they don’t get it and this list can go on and on. Sometimes, we might even feel lonelier than usual.

The 5 C’s of Change

Building a house, changing a career, making a plan – all of these require a certain focus and approach in order to be successful. It is also critical to remember that these shifts and changes don’t happen in moment nor do they rely on just one factor. It is often most challenging to make real lasting change when there isn’t a plan and strategy to support the growth. So many people will attempt change and then give up when the results are not immediately gratifying.