Reaching your goals is challenging. Create a structure that keeps you on target by using language you relate to everyday. Create a focus that you can apply in every setting!
How do I know if I am enough?
Being enough in a relationship can be confusing and leave us feeling misunderstood. But what really is enough in relationship? Who do you need to be enough for? Learn what being enough really means!
How to be a great manipulator!
You can’t be in a relationship without one good manipulation a day! Learn the healthy aspects of manipulation that result in better connection!
Why I Am So Intentional About Intentionality
Living with intention is not easy. However, the opposite of intentionality is living by default and results in the sacrifice of self. Read about relationship between creating an intentional life and the ability grow greater control in your life!
How to Advance in The Relationship Game!
Great relationships are based on an exchange of energy and investment. Learn how Social Exchange can help you grow into a relationship centered life…
2021: A New Word for A New Year
For those that have been reading my blog posts for a while, you will recall that I start every year off, not with a set of resolutions, but with a word of the year. I do not make resolutions because as soon as you miss the mark once, you have failed. I will go to the gym 3 times each week becomes the source of self-shaming, frustration, and guilt as soon as you do not make the mark (and I venture, that moment usually comes before the end of February.) Instead, I choose a word that becomes a perspective to set context for the different journeys I will take for the year…