“Saying you’re Bi is just an excuse for acting slutty” or What Not to Say to LGBTQ People

Reese, a 17 year old female high school student, came out to her friends and family as bisexual a couple of years ago. Most of her family told her it was “just a phase” and now her friends ask her, “Are you sure you’re bisexual?” and “Are you still bisexual, you haven’t dated any girls?” These questions may seem innocent and inquisitive, but they dismiss Reese’s feelings and her friends are essentially telling her that doesn’t know herself. These questions and comments are microaggressions, intentional or unintentional insults, slights and/or derogatory questions and comments at target marginalized groups of people; in this case LGBTQ people.

Infertility in the Age of Social Media: Surviving One Post at a Time

Mother’s Day. Father’s Day. Halloween. Christmas. Then add all those little holidays and milestones you didn’t even know about like Olivia’s 6 month birthday. You can’t escape it: the bottomless pit of children’s pictures on social media. Many people secretly moan and groan but for me and my wife – two years in to infertility treatments – it’s feels like a digital snowball to the face.

Mindfulness and Giving Up The Diet

Diets don’t work.  You’ve heard it before and likely know it to be true.  Still, you fall victim to the trap – eat this, get thin, live happily ever after.  Has it worked yet?  No. But maybe this time will be different, right?  It won’t be.  You may need to circle around the diet cycle a few times before you truly believe diets don’t work. 

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