We can often complicate situations by being stuck in the stories in our head. Learning how to reframe those stories and create ways for change and awareness opens new possibilities for connection and healing.
Why Don’t You Listen to Me!: How We Can Over-invest in Listening.
Listening is not easy, and we are never taught how to do it well. Learn the strategies of listening to ensure that you are showing up in the ways that are the most meaningful!
Caring For versus Caring About
Relationships are healthiest when boundaries are clear. Learn the difference between caring FOR and caring ABOUT another and the implications of each.
The Importance of Sacred Space in Your Relationship
Feeling overwhelmed in life? Is your relationship taking the hit? Sacred space may be the answer for you! Learn how to rebalance!
Thinking about Couples Counseling? Do it.
My parents were married for 52 years. My maternal grandparents 66 years. That’s a combined 118 years of marriage! They never spent a day in the office of a couples counselor. So why do I think couples counseling is an absolute MUST for most relationships?
How to Recognize Your Soulmate
Do you believe in soulmates? Chances are you do.
Last year, a survey conducted in the U.S. by Wakefield Research found that 76% of Americans believe in a soulmate. Rates were even higher for millennials (86%). So what is a soulmate?